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On May Day, my dad made my sister and I crowns of miniature roses. In Catholic tradition, Mother Mary was the May Queen. At school, one child from each class honored Mary by offering flowers to her statue. In 2nd grade, I was chosen. I laid the bouquet at her feet. With a soaring heart, I sang:

Bring flowers of the rarest,
Bring blossoms the fairest,
From garden and woodland and hillside and dale;
Our full hearts are swelling,
Our glad voices telling
The praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.

Perhaps because of this favorite memory, in my teens and 20’s, I liked small rosebuds. Closed. Delicate. Petite. Above all, PERFECT. No blemishes, please!

Now as a woman heading into her crone years, I love the large fully opened rose. Luscious. Intoxicating fragrance.  Vulva-like petals soft and velvety expose her inner sanctum. As she matures, her colors deepens. Blemishes and insect nibbles are part of her unique character. I’d never dream of buying a ‘perfect’ rose from a florist. Those days are over. I’ll choose a wild rose or a garden-grown rose any day.

From ancient times, the rose has been infused with symbolism.

Symbolic Meanings for the Rose:

  • Love
  • Sensuality
  • Wisdom
  • Beauty
  • Balance
  • Passion
  • Intrigue
  • Faith
  • Devotion
  • Honor
  • Timelessness

Stained glass, Maryhill Cemetery, Niles, Illinois

The rose was associated with the Greek Aphrodite, goddess of love and wisdom, and later with the Roman goddess Venus. Still later with Mary, the Christian personification of the Divine Feminine, who became the Rosa Mystica.

“As well as being a symbol of mystical union, the rose is particularly associated with the numinous beauty of the goddess and the love her presence evokes within the human heart.”
-Mara Freeman

Has your favorite flower changed over the years? What’s your favorite now? Why is it special to you? Can you see yourself in that flower? What characteristics do the two of you share?

As women, it’s our time to blossom into our fully opened magnificence. To be the goddesses we truly are. To express ourselves with confidence and courage, with creativity and authenticity. To enjoy our sensual bodies. To live our heart-centered lives. . . . And by doing so, to make a positive difference in our world.

Start by treating yourself like the sacred flower you are. You are beautiful. You are worthy. Give yourself clean water, fresh air and the nourishment you need. Bathe in light. Sink your roots down. Be passionate about your growth and don’t fear your changes.

You were once a bud, closed and full of possibilities. Now you are ready to blossom–even more!


Dear Wise Hearted Woman,
Ready for a breakthrough into a luscious life that you L.O.V.E.?
I invite you to receive your Free Gift: The Wild Wisdom Retreat, a juicy 3-day retreat without leaving home! Jump to my Welcome Page. Your gift is there waiting for you.
with exuberant loving, Taira