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Soon, I’ll turn 59 years old.

Getting older. We all are. You don’t have to dread it. Because it isn’t all bad. Really.

Take it from me.

Sure there are changes that aren’t so easy:
Slower metabolism. I now gain weight just by looking at food.
Sensitive skin. I now wear sunscreen.
Dryer skin. I now moisturize. . . . I highly recommend organic virgin coconut oil.
Can’t eat certain foods. . . . No more black pepper. Go figure!
More forgetful.

Sometimes I look in the mirror and don’t recognize myself! Who is that woman? 😉

Despite these changes, many of my friends and I agree that there is a silver lining to aging. There are fabulous changes:
Easier to be self-expressive.
More accepting and forgiving.
Take responsibility for own emotions.
Engage less often in self criticism.
Engage more often in kind self-talk.
Don’t take loved ones or health for granted.
Feel grateful more often.
Frame challenges as learning opportunities.
More trusting of intuition.
Take more risks, including FINALLY putting our True Passions out into the world.

Can you see the silver lining in your own aging process?
What gifts are you receiving from getting older?

from my strong and grateful heart to yours,