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Hello, sister! Have you experienced Being In The Flow?
There are 3 Keys to experiencing this wonderous state of sacred receiving and giving.
Today on Wise Hearted Wednesday, we will talk about Key 1.

 My desire is to support you in opening to your own flow state.
Because out of this state,
~> ideas spring forth,
~> struggles are released,
~> emotions such as anger and annoyance can be felt, expressed and completed more quickly,
~> connections are made,
~> answers are found,
~> the nervous system calms down,
~> healing occurs
~> pleasure increases.
Who wouldn’t want that?!!

How can you tell if you are “in the flow” or simply having a good day? There are 3 Keys to being in flow.

Synchronicity ~*~ Ease ~*~ Grace

Key 1: Synchronicity

What is synchronicity?

Synchronicity is a concept originally coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung to describe meaningful coincidences that links mind and matter. The Oxford dictionary defines synchronicity as simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

For the past two weeks, I have been in the flow. Reoccurring symbols and themes are appearing. I experience them as guidance and confirmations. Challenges have been easier to face as I have felt supported by spiritual guidance.

My synchronicities are specifically related to the Divine Feminine. I have felt anchored in Feminine Flow.

Symbols of the Divine Mother have appeared, including the archetype of Mother’s Milk. I dreamt that I was nursing a little boy. Though I had no actual milk, he was comforted by my golden spiritual milk. I told my dream to a friend. Within the last few days, she also had a dream of a woman who was nursing a young child though the woman did not have actual milk. !

I launched Wise Hearted Woman on the full moon in May 2017. I have been very aware that the full moon is coming up this weekend. The May moon is called the Full Flower Moon (which is why I chose it as my launch date). I discovered today that the May moon is also called Mother’s Moon and Milk Moon. !

Life is sacred.

Imagine that this story has come to you for a reason.
What meaning does it hold for you?
Does the story offer you a symbol or insight that you are needing now?
Does it speak to or confirm your own wisdom?

If you desire more flow in your life and would like my support to create this worthwhile change, I am here for you! Contact me.
My transformational body-centered coaching might be just what you have been praying for.

From my full flowering heart to yours,