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In the last two blog articles, we discussed keys to Being In The Flow–Key 1: Synchronicity and Key 2: Ease. Today, you will discover the 3rd key . . .

Key 3: Grace

Another characteristic of being in a flow state is grace. In spiritual terms, grace is defined as divine benevolence and love in action, help from Source, a bestowal of blessings.

In physical terms, grace is an ease and smoothness of movement, which is generated from within.

Interestingly, the word grace is from the Latin word gratus meaning “pleasing, thankful, agreeable” and is related to the words
agree ~*~ congratulate ~*~ gracious ~*~ gratitude

When we are in a holistic flow state, grace is present in all aspects of our being.

  • Spiritually–as direct experience of inter-connection with Nature, with the Great Mystery, and with all of life.
  • Mentally and emotionally–as a knowing and a feeling that all is well. Anxiety and day-to-day worries fade away.
  • Physically–through graceful easy posture and motion.

Mind, body and spirit are absorbed in the moment. Fully present. Harmoniously working together.

I encourage you to be open to flow. And to explore ways of inviting it into your life.

If you desire more ease, grace or flow and would like my support to create this change, I am here for you! Contact me.
My transformational body-centered coaching might be just what you have been praying for.

As these musings on flow come to an end, I have discovered Christopher Bergland, a world-class endurance athlete, and his concept of Superfluidity. He defines Superfluidity as “the episodic upper-tier of the Flow experience. . . . Superfluidity has a mystical and divine element to it. If you seek it out, and chase it down, and invite it in, you will experience it.” (Psychology Today, October 2011)
Good to know! 😉

from my overflowing heart to yours,

Photo of swan: Artist Unknown
Photo of Rebekah: Taira Restar