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Hello! I’m here at Spirit Weavers Gathering and sending LOVE!

Spirit Weavers is a women’s gathering on the Illinois River in southern Oregon. About 800 women are here. It’s sisterhood to THE MAX! 😉

There is a huge array of offerings, including weaving and dyeing. However, what’s most powerful to me is simply being with SO many women–camping together, sharing meals, making new friends, being in a place where women feel safe to be authentic and expressive.

Like wearing a handwoven cattail crown! 😉

I’m here as part of The Empowerment Center. We are a group of coaches and therapists who support the participants.

It’s a joy to be with this caring and skillful team. And to be able to do what I LOVE: supporting women of all ages!

I am offering body-centered coaching and an in-person version of Light Your S.E.X.Y. Fire–the audio version is offered here as a free gift on my website.

Here and now I welcome you into this circle of women.
Join us in spirit!
Send your love and blessings.
Receive ours.

You are also welcome to join us by receiving your copy of Light Your S.E.X.Y. Fire, which is a
S. Sensual
E. Embodiment process to
X. eXpress
YYour feminine wisdom.

Get your free copy here! Just sign up and it will be delivered immediately into your inbox. In your own timing, I will guide you via audio recordings.

Feel the support of and kinship with Spirit Weaver sisters, who have also experienced the same embodiment process.

We are all in this together.

Sleeping in the Forest

I thought the earth remembered me, she 
took me back so tenderly, arranging 
her dark skirts, her pockets 
full of lichens and seeds. I slept 
as never before, a stone 
on the riverbed, nothing 
between me and the white fire of the stars 
but my thoughts, and they floated 
light as moths among the branches 
of the perfect trees. All night 
I heard the small kingdoms breathing 
around me, the insects, and the birds
who do their work in the darkness. All night 
I rose and fell, as if in water, grappling 
with a luminous doom. By morning 
I had vanished at least a dozen times 
into something better.

–Mary Oliver

from my wild and wise heart to yours,